Budgeting For Your Wine Cellar - Abby Iron Doors
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Wine Cellar Door Budget

Budgeting For Your Wine Cellar

So you’ve decided to take your love for wine to the next level. You own beautiful wine glasses, the best cork pull, a top of the line decanter, every sommeliers favorite book on wine, and you’ve already begun your cellar book. One problem, you need something substantially larger than the wine fridge you’ve kept so well-stocked over the years. It’s time to invest in that wine cellar you’ve been considering.

Adding a wine cellar to your home adds value (should you decide to put it on the market) and intrigue for your fellow wine lovers. But before you start moving your basement furniture into the garage or donating all those clothes you’ve promised to wear one day, let’s consider what this thing will cost you.

Construction, alone, is your biggest expense for this project. Depending how airtight your current basement or future wine cellar space is, you’ll need insulation and moisture barriers. Not only are those things vital, but you should consider the structural support needed to support a cooling unit… since you won’t be using that old wine fridge anymore. Contact your local renovation company for a quote or watch a few YouTube videos to determine whether or not you can DIY.

A wine cooling unit is a must. Whether you choose a through-the-wall cooling system ($1k-$3.5k), a split cooling system ($5k+), or a ducted cooling system ($3k-$6k), plan to spend a good chunk of change to store those bodacious bottles.

Wine racks, depending on how many bottles you plan to store at a time, can be one of your lowest expenses. You can get fancy with decorative racks or you can install standard wire racks. Either way, cost is typically between $2-$20 per bottle.

Now, you might not have considered anything special for your wine cellar door, but you definitely should. Consider it the “wardrobe” from that classic by C.S. Lewis. When guests enter your wine cellar, you want them to feel like they’re entering an entirely different world. You can’t skimp here. A lasting impression is priceless. A cellar door? $600-$3k.

Flooring also sets the tone for an elegant wine cellar. Depending on the size of your space, it could cost upwards of $1.5K. Choose a stone that is long lasting, but also cost effective.
It’s in the details. Consider things like light fixtures, wood paneling, artwork, etc. to marry the themes of the rest of your home. Some things can be purchased over time, so don’t feel obligated to break the bank for décor.

Have fun with this project. Whether it’s your alternative to a “she-shed” or a “man cave,” make it fit your taste and more importantly, your budget. Also, if you’re going DIY, don’t be afraid to check out wholesale stores for some of your building materials and supplies.

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